Saturday, October 14, 2023

Words Walk

    The Brittle born whom are beaten and bitten, births the brave and bold for the bruised and burdened. As how the bereaved believed being bestowed a place in heaven, Havoc the hastened and hone the hurt to heat thy winter hearts. A heap of hope hovering our minds hinders a humane pride. Prejudice proposes a picturesque pasture whilst plummets the poisonous truth. Tell the traitors their sin. Sonder souls sing symphonies sold some centuries fold in each hum. Hunt heathens in hellish plains of which is the only place with no façade. Aid the ill in infinitive interest for it shall indulge you with vigorous stories. Stand upon sands of sad sailors sailing in sorrow an deceit. Deprive the demanding dozen of devoted dreams. As the divided holds in their voices.

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