Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Second Semesters may sore, but I yearn to Soar.

 I told myself I wouldn't hate tomorrow's anymore, Looks like that isn't the case. Its a Monday.

Papers. Quizzes. Listen there. Listen here. The fourth floor. Passed. Failed. Stand up. Ask. Answer. The Semester break of which lasted for 5 days definitely wasn't enough to make me forget such scenes of the first semester as a graduating Senior high student. 12th grade isn't forgiving, never has it been, never will be. 

a 9 A.M. drenched in hues of blue,  blankets drown you in coziness as the atmosphere ceases to make it any better. I felt like an Ice cream in a fridge, But I was the ice cream that wishes to not be eaten. Waking up and sleeping became a chore, says the youthful one. My mother would chant the same old words about how I'm not even halfway in life if she hears me groan for such. But let's admit it, everyone and so did my mother herself said this herself in her prime. The weather wasn't a delight either, scorches the sun that should be complaining more than me for doing the same thing all over and over again for how long when. Humid was a room at the 4th floor building of an education institute. Someone by the corner wipes, another by the side fans, another just arrived. 12:42 p.m. screams by my wrists. 3 more minutes, starts a new series for me to watch it reveal its chaos. 

My back hurts, I can't wear my glasses, The sun's rays tells me more things than the white board, the whispers are louder than the teacher's voice. Sensitivity started fading in the room. Sooner or later I found myself walking under a familiar path drenched in gleams of orange and gold. Shoes leave my feet, to the room I rush to retreat. There, a moment of comfort was what I wanted from this demanding day. 'What a sore, I don't like it anymore' wails me, who is barely halfway the first week of semester. I found myself staring back at what was watching me, my whiteboard with lists of colleges and universities I still need to apply to and a photo booth of a family of four. I recall telling myself that this time I wanted to live this time around.

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